Ghana Together Projects Overview

Ghana Together sponsors projects in the Axim community—most are ongoing; some are "one-offs." Mostly they have to do with children, youth, education, and sanitation.

We also facilitate projects of other organizations by connecting them with the appropriate Axim leaders after determining that their mission is compatible with those of WHH and Ghana Together, and their proposed project makes sense in Axim.

If you have a project in mind, please contact us. Axim is not a village. As a municipality of some 25,000 or so, there's no end to potential projects!

All our projects are carried out in conjunction with Western Heritage Home (WHH), our Ghanaian-registered non-profit associates in Axim, with whom we've worked since 2006. WHH is locally led. In fact, they do almost all the actual work!

We focus on do-able local projects, typically proposed by WHH leaders, in areas that are typically the direct responsibility of local leaders, such as schools, scholarships, library, etc.

We've seen ups and downs. We have earned the respect we enjoy in both Axim and in the US. We have seen considerable change. We try to adapt, accept when something's not working, try to figure out why, take a new tack, solve the problems. We stay close to the community and its needs.

We spend enough time every year in Axim to be very familiar with the community, ensure goals are met, funds are well-managed, review projects, plan new ones with WHH, get feedback and ideas, and in general cement relationships with the people and the town.

Our philosophy can be summarized as trying our best to offer a hand-up rather than a hand-out.